I'm adopted. I like being adopted because it makes me feel special. I know that people love me. Having people like my family being with me makes me feel good.
My family hopes to adopt a baby from Africa. I feel it's sad that some kids never get adopted. They would probably like to get a family and know what it's like to have a family and have people loving them. The baby probably is going to have HIV. I feel happy because I can teach her/him that it's a good thing and I can have that experience with them.
HIV is just a kind of sickness. It's nothing to be scared of. If you ever have a child with HIV, don't be scared. We're the same as other kids without HIV, we just have different blood.
I still play outside. I still swim and do dance class. I still go to school. I've done cheerleading, soccer, gymnastics. I love to run. I'm just the same as the other people. I have lots of friends; it's hard to play with all of them at the same time. :) I still can do special things like traveling. I like to go on roller coasters, loops. I wish there was a roller coaster with just loops!
I am adding money to our adoption jar. I want to have a baby from Africa. I'm excited to be a big sister to a baby. So I can feed it, put it to sleep, play with it, and teach it about HIV.

Olivia, I love reading about your heart for adoption and HIV+. This is an awesome blog, keep up the great work. I can't wait 'til you have that company someday too. Have you ever thought about being a doctor or nurse? You could specialize in HIV and educate people.
I love reading your blog. You are an amazing young lady!! Thanks for really stepping out and educating many people that kids with hiv are just like any other child... only with different blood. You are amazing! can't wait to keep reading!!
mitzi in dallas
I love that you are sharing about what life with HIV is like. My daughter who is two years old has HIV also. I want her to know like you already know that she is just like everyone else, just different blood. Thank you for starting this blog. It will be so helpful to families considering HIV adoption and will also help other kids that also have HIV. I posted about you on our blog www.preciousandpositive.wordpress. I think you are amazing! I look forward to reading your blog.
I love your blog! You are so brave and you write really well. I know that many people will learn so much about HIV and adoption from you. Thank you for teaching the world about these very important subjects.
My daughter is just one year old. She is adopted from Uganda. She is also HIV+. We are noticing that many people do not know about HIV and that makes them scared. Thank you for teaching them that there is nothing to be scared of.
I will be praying for you, your family, your family's new adoption, and your awesome blog!
May God Bless You Always,
Hey Olivia! I love your blog! I hope to one day adopt HIV+ child(ren). I think it's really wonderful what you're doing! Keep letting GOD use you as a voicebox for children!!! :))
Olivia - so many people just do not knnow the truth about HIV or adoption. Thank you for telling thr truth about both. I think you are brave & i love that you want a little brother or sister to love on that may also have hiv.
Thank you for writing. This is a wonderful blog! I will be going to Democratic Republic of Congo in July. I will be helping in an orphanage there. I also hope to be able to adopt children from Congo! I'm proud of you for saving your money for such a great thing.
Hi Olivia,
I just read your blog for the first time. I love it. You have a great gift for writing. I hope to keep reading your blog throughout the Summer. Right now, my family is adopting from Africa too. We are trying to bring home a little boy and be his forever family. I'm excited for your family as you try to bring home a baby from the Congo! Keep writing!
Hi Olivia! I have a dear friend who just adopted a little girl who has HIV. She's the one who told me about your blog. Wow! You are one special little girl! I love that you are sharing your heart with others and I know that God's love will shine through that! I look forward to hearing about all the fun things you are going to do this summer and I can't wait to read more blog posts! God bless you, sweet child.
You are an amazing girl! Keep sharing your story! You will be a wonderful big sister!
Hi Olivia! Your blog title is so true. You are very inspiring. We just adopted two baby boys from the Democratic Republic of Congo. So, I know how anxious your family ccan be looking forward to a new addition from another country. You will be such a great role model!
Olivia, Thank you for your beautiful words! Can I share your blog on my blog...I have a lot of friends that need to hear what you have to say.
Traci, Yes, you can! As her mom I give my approval, we'd love to get her story out, she's going to be a great advocate I think! :)
Congrats on your new bog Oliva! You are a blessing and are going to change this world!!!
Olivia - I just found your blog. You are one brave, intelligent, awesome person!
Keep it up - I plan to keep reading!
What an amazing young lady you are. I just know you are going to make an amazing sister to some other child. I too plan to keep reading.
Thank you for sharing your heart. We will definitely keep reading. Can't wait to see what God has in store for you.
Olivia, I love that you are sharing your heart here in ways that will help us all learn a little bit more about living with HIV+. What an amazing girl you are!! God bless, Jennifer
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